Moshi Monsters Series 10

Series 10 Figures Information Series 10 Released May 23rd, 2014 Figures 16 Ultra Rares 4 Specials Gold The Series 10 Figures are the tenth series of Moshi Monsters collectable figures, manufactured by Vivid Imaginations. May 08, 2014 Aeryn’s got a secret in her hand and its got to do with Moshi Monsters Yes, she’s holding one of the Series 10 Moshlings in her hand. It seems only a short while ago that I introduced you to Series 9 of the Moshi Monster series. Now, I am happy to bring. Kids (and their parents!) love us. Over 97% of parents who use the Moshi Twilight app would recommend it to friends or family. With over 23,000 5-star ratings and reviews across the app stores, millions of families are already enjoying more peaceful bedtimes with Moshi Twilight.

  1. Moshi Monsters Series 10 2
  2. Moshi Monsters Series 10 Free

Posted on June 30, 2013 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - Comments [4]

And so, we reach the finale of the Season 2 Super Moshi Missions. Are you going to be able to defeat CLONC and save the Moshi World from total annihilation?

The mission starts with a recap.

“Previously on Super Moshi Mission…”

“Saving Zoshlings is one thing, Super Moshi but defeating CLONC? I don’t think so!” says Strangeglove.

SILENCESTRANGEGLOVE!” says the mysterious yellow gloved leader of CLONC. “You’re lucky to even be here! But at least you will witness my greatest triumph… The destruction of the entire Moshi World!”

“The Trubble Satellite’s Deluxe Doom Ray 5000 will melt Sillimanjaro and flood Monstro City! Get in there, sunshine!”

“Doom Ray at 5%”

“Blast this slow connection!..” says the gloved hand.


“I will dispose of this pest!” says Strangeglove.

“NO STRANGEGLOVE! You’ve failed me too many times… Sweet Tooth and Chief will handle this.”

Destroy the Doom Ray

“The Doom Ray is powering up Super Moshi!” says Captain Squirk. “We have to stop it!”

“The control room for the Doom Ray is in that red tower.” says Dr. C. Fingz. “We just need to get this lift working…”

“Let me see…” says Splutnik. “The lift is activated by a key, but it seems to be missing.”

“Let’s split up and look for it.” says First Officer Ooze.

“Great idea First Officer!” says Captain Squirk. “Ok. Splutnik and Dr. C. Fingz look in that room… And First Officer Ooze come with me.”

“Affirmative Captain” the crew respond as they separate into two groups and go to search for the key. Of course, First Officer Ooze takes forever to crawl across to the second room!

Click on the left hand door.


Oh dear! It’s pitch black in here! Looks as if we may have made a bad move!

“Hello?” you ask.

“Over here Super Moshi!” the Zoshlings say.

“I can’t see anything!”

“There has to be a light around here somewhere…”

“What was that??” you ask.

“I’m stuck!” says Dr C. Fingz as the lights come on.

Oh dear! It’s none other than Sweet Tooth, riding on some kind of hover scooter.

“Muahahaha!” Sweet Tooth laughs in that very particular kind of laugh that all evil villains are obliged to do.

“There’s no escaping now!”

“Not exactly.” says Splutnik who’s not stuck in the trap due to his rather nifty jetpack!

“Blast that jetpack!” says Sweet Tooth. “You’ll never catch me though!”

“I’ve got this Super Moshi!” says Splutnik.

“Hurry Splutnik!” says Dr C. Fingz.

Chase Sweettooth

Now we get to play an exiting mini-game where we play the part of Splutnick as he chases after Sweet Tooth.

It’s actually quite tricky to play. You need to use the mouse button to control Splutnik’s jet pack. Click and hold the button to boost Splutnick upwards. Let go and Splutnik will go down (but he can drop down pretty fast)

You’ll also need to dodge some Gum Bubbles that Sweet Tooth is using to slow you down.

The best way we’ve found to play this is to keep tapping on the mouse button so that you maintain your position and then let go or hold the button down when you need to dodge a gum bubble or…

EPIC – Yes, there’s an epic to get during the chase. It’ll appear near the bottom of the screen so you’ll need to be ready to drop down and get it. It’s pretty tricky. Once you’ve got the epic you’ll need to remember to pick it up once you’ve caught Sweet Tooth!

As you chase after Sweet Tooth, you’ll be able to see how close you’re getting using the gauge at the top of the screen.

Once you catch up with Sweet Tooth you’ll see Splutnik pop the gum bubble she’s blowing and it’ll go all over her face!

As Splutnik appear back through the tunnel, a fountain of water will clear the sticky mess away. (Don’t ask me how that happened!)

“I’m free!” says Dr C. Fingz.

Pick up the Key Piece

You’ll see that part of the key (and if you managed to get it, the Epic will appear between you and Dr. C. Fings.

“Let’s pick up that key piece and get out of here!” says Splutnik.

Click on the Key (and the Epic) to pick it up and add it to your inventory.

Find the other Key Piece

Moshi Monsters Series 10 2

Click on the round blue door to the left to leave the room.

We’re back in the lift room again. Now you’ll need to click on the large purple door on the right hand side – the one with the ring of green around it. This will take you to the next room.

What a strange room! The screen will scroll to the left to reveal another piece of the key hanging on the wall.

“There’s the key piece!” you say. There’s no sign of the Zoshling though.

As you walk to the left you hear a voice from the right.

“What you think YOU doing?” it says.

Ah, that’s a voice we recognise! It’s Big Chief Tiny Head!

The screen scrolls back to thr right to reveal the Chief, sipping on a cocktail while at the same time, the strange head shaped contraption at the back of the room opens it’s mouth to reveal the trapped Zoshlings!

“Super Moshi!” the Moshlings shout from behind their bars.

“Do what I say, or the zoshlings get it…” says Big Chief.

Make Big Chief a Drink

“Make Big Chief more tasty drinks.” Big Chief demands.

On the shelved to the left you’ll find a whole array of different ingredients. Go ahead and click on them all to add them to your inventory. We’ll need to use them in a bit.

On the counter is a bowl of purple Oobla-Doobla’s. You’ll need those too so click on the Oobla-Doobla’s to pick them up and add them to your inventory.

If you scroll to the left, you’ll see note book on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Click on this and you’ll see a recipe for “Bungle Jungle Juice”.

  • Oobla Doobla
  • Fizzy Milk
  • Creepy Cola Crush
  • Essence of Blue HooDoo

While you can use these ingredients to make a drink for Big Chief. You don’t need to. It’s not going to help you get out of the room.

Scroll to the right and you’ll find a scrunched up piece of paper on the floor. Click on it and you’ll find it’s a missing page from the recipe book.

It’s got the recipe for a sleeping potion! Sounds useful!

But, before we do that, there’s something else we need to do!

There’s an epic to get here. You’ll need to mix a special drink for Big Cheif. The ingredients you need are:

  • Mystery Potion
  • Spiced Slime
  • Bogey Bubbleade
  • Perplexing Purple Potion

Once you’ve added the ingredients to the cocktail shaker, click on the shaker to give it a shake and add it to your inventory. Scroll over to the right, and give Big Chief the Cocktail Shaker from your inventory.

He’ll drink the drink and say:

“This drink not Big Chief’s favourite…”

“…But WOW! This drink EPIC

And an EPIC award will appear on the floor. Click on the EPIC to pick it up.

Make Sleeping Potion

In order to make the Sleeping Potion you’ll need to use the ingredients listed on the scrap of paper that you can find on the bottom right hand corner of the room.

The ingredients are:

Sleeping Potion:

  • Fizzy Milk
  • Atomic Hot Sauce x2
  • Drinky Inky

Once you added the ingredients into the shaker, click on it to pick it up and give it a shake. It’ll not appear in your inventory.

Now scroll to the right and drag the cocktail shaker out and give it to Big Chief.

He’ll drink the drink and instantly fall over backwards, fast asleep.

Combine the Key Pieces

“We’re free!” the Zoshlings in the cage at the back shout!

“Thanks Super Moshi” says First Officer Ooze.

“Let’s combine those key pieces!” says Captain Squirk.

Scroll over to the left so that you can see the key hanging on the wall.

Now, open your inventory and drag the Key piece you have onto the key piece hanging on the wall.

The combined key will be placed in your inventory.

Take the Lift

Scroll back over to the right and click on the door to exit the room.

Now we’re back in the lift room again. Open your inventory and drag the combined key out and onto the lift controls in the central area.

“Let’s go!” you say! You’ll need to wait for First Officer Ooze – he doesn’t move so fast!

Once Ooze is on the lift, it’ll hover over to the door on the far side of the room with the green skull on it.

As you enter the room you get a cut scene where Strangeglove is getting a talking to from the mysterious gloved leader of CLONC.

“…No longer worthy of the CLONC name!” says the gloved leader.

“…But!” protests Strangeglove!

“…But Nothing! You ruined my plan, you Moronic Moustache Monkey!”

At which point the intruder alarm goes off and Strangeglove turns to face you.

YOU!!!” he says.

“Hurry Strangeglove! Get them!” says the CLONC leader.

“Strangeglove…?” It appears that Dr Strangeglove has left the building, done a runner…

STRANGEGLOVE!!!” shouts the chair.

“In any case, you are too late Super Moshi. My Doom Ray is poised to fire and I must bid you Farewell!”

The gloved hand hits a button on the chair and it spins onto a door in the middle of the floor which opens to allow the chair to drop out of the room. Then on the screen we see something shoot across space. Looks like CLONC’s mysterious leader has escaped again.

h2.Destroy the Doom Ray

“Splutnik, how do we stop this thing?” asks Captain Squirk.

“None of these controls are for the Doom Ray!” replies Splutnik.

“What now?” you say.

“Captain? What about… “ starts Dr C. Fings.

“You’re not saying…”

“Cosmic Harmony!” the Zoshlings all say at once.

“It’s way too dangerous…” says First Office Ooze. “Captain, don’t you remember what happened last time?”

“OOze, we have no choice!”

“Zoshlings…” says Captain Squirk as the Zoshlings take their places. As they do, they rise up on platforms.

“Harmonize!” says Captain Squirk.

Above each Zoshling will now appear a glowing ball of light with a flash of lightning running down to the Zoshling below.

All you have to do here is keep click on the highlighted Zoshling to raise them up to the top of the column of lightning. A pointer will indicate which Zoshling you need to click on.

When they get to the top their stream will turn purple.

Once all the Zoshlings are at the top, another cut scene starts.

The Zoshlings, are now singing in perfect harmony, direct their sound waves towards the large magnifying glass that’s sending beans of sunlight towards the Moshi World.

The Zoshlings harmony is powerful enough to make the glass crack and then shatter!

Then just in the Zoshlings moment of glory, who should appear but none other then Simon Growl!

“Zoshlings!” he says. “That. Was… AMAZING! How does a 7 album deal sound?!”

The Zoshlings seem over the moan by this!

“Totally cosmic!” says Captain Squirk. “You have our galactic gratitude Mr Growl! It’s time we returned to Music Island!”

Debrief with Squirk

We’ll we now find ourselves back on the Zoshlings spaceship.

Click on Cpatain Squirk to start a conversation.

Congratulations Super Moshi!” says Captain Squirk.

Click on “We stopped the doom ray and saved Monstro City!”


CLONC should know by now… Evil never wins!”

We’re now presented with the “Mission 10 complete screen”

It reads:

TOTALLYZOSHTASTIC! You dodged a cosmic catastrophe! CLONC have been sent packing! You completed Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions! – or did you?”

Hmm, I think something might be up!

Click on the “OK” button to continue.

“Captain! We have a problem!” says First Officer Ooze.

There’s now another cut-scene.

REDALERT! REDALERT!” The warnings are all going off on board the Zoshlings space ship.

There’s a fleet of Glumps heading our way! Uh-oh! Right behind them is the top-hat shaped space ship of Dr Strangeglove.


Glump Invaders

Dodge the glump goo and ZAP the glumponauts!

To play the game you need to move your spaceship left and right using the mouse and click on the mouse button to fire.

It’s pretty easy, as long as you remember to keep shooting! Keep an eye out for the Glump Goo!

Once you’ve got all the Glumponaughts you’ll have to battle Dr Strangeglove’s hat ship.

Dr Strangeglove will fly around in a figure of eight and while he’s doing that you’ll still need to watch out for that Glump Goo!

You’ve got to hit Strangegloves spaceship lots of times to defeat him. There’s a hat-shaped gauge on the top right hand corner of the screen.

EPIC Yes, there’s the final epic to get! As you battle Strangegloves ship. an EPIC will pass across the top of the screen. If you’ve been shooting constantly you should be able to get it easily!

Once you’ve shot Strangeglove enough times the action will switch to a cut-scene showing his ship exploding and then flying through space leaving a trail of smoke.

The Zoshlings spaceship lands back on Music Island to a crowd of cheering Moshlings.

Once you’re all out of the Spaceship there’s the EPIC from the battle with Strangeglove. Click on it to pick it up.

Click on Captain Squirk to start a conversation.

“We did it Super Moshi.” says Squirk.

Click on “We’ve saved Monstro City, stopped CLONC and gotten you a 7 album record deal!”

“We couldn’t be more galactically grateful!” says Squirk. “But we have no where to stay.”

Click on “You can stay in my Moshling zoo!”

“Really? That would be out of this world!”

Moshi Monsters Series 10 Free

Pick up the Zoshlings

Click on a Zoshling to pick them up and add them to your zoo. (Remember to click on “Keep It!”)

You get to add all four Zoshlings to your Zoo for completing this mission!

Mission 10 Complete

And that the end of the mission and indeed the Season 2 of the Super Moshi missions.

“Totally Zoshtastic! You dodged a cosmic catastrophe! CLONC have been sent packing! (Again!) You completed Season 2 of Super Moshi Missions! You really did!

Click on OK to finish. Hopefully you’ve been able to get all three EPICS and earned yourself 500 Rox!

Did this guide help you? Let us know in the comments below.


(Redirected from Luvli (Moshi Monsters))
Moshi Monsters
Developer(s)Mind Candy
EngineAdobe Flash Player
Platform(s)Web browser
Release16 April 2008-13 December 2019
Genre(s)Online game

Moshi Monsters was a British website aimed at children aged 6–12,[1] with over 80 million registered users in 150 territories worldwide.[2] Users could choose from one of six virtual pet monsters (Diavlo, Luvli, Katsuma, Poppet, Furi and Zommer) they could create, name and nurture. Once their pet had been customized, players could navigate their way around Monstro City, take daily puzzle challenges to earn 'Rox' (a virtual currency), play games, personalize their room and communicate with other users in a safe environment, although this has been disputed.[3] Moshi Monsters officially closed on 13 December 2019.


The game was created in late 2007 by Michael Acton Smith, and developed in 2008 by entertainment company Mind Candy and officially launched in April 2008.[4] As of December 2009, there were at least 10 million players registered.[5] In March 2010, Mind Candy announced that there were 15 million users and by September 2010, that number had surpassed 25 million.[6] In June 2011, it was announced that there were 50 million users.[7] On 13 December 2019, Moshi Monsters shut down permanently.



The monsters are the characters that the user plays as. They are given a name by the user when they register at the website. There are six types of monsters. Poppet, Katsuma, Furi, Diavlo, Luvli, and Zommer.


The monsters (in-game pets) keep their own pets, called 'Moshlings'. They come in a variety of themed sets, including Arties, Beasties, Kitties, and Spookies. Those who aren't paying members can keep two 'Moshlings' in their room whilst paying members can keep up to six and visit other pets in the zoo.



Since its digital popularity, Moshi Monsters has grown commercially to include physical products, including games, the Moshi Monsters Magazine (number one selling children's magazine in the UK in 2011),[8] a best-selling DS video game,[9] a number 4 music album, books, membership cards, bath soap, chocolate calendars, trading cards, figures of many Moshlings, mobile games, and a Moshi Monsters feature film. Eight Moshi Monster toys were included in McDonald's Happy Meals in the United States and Canada in December 2013.[10]

DS game[edit]

In 2011 Mind Candy released a Moshi Monsters based Nintendo DS game. the game is themed around moshlings and collecting and caring for them.

Mobile games[edit]

In July 2013, Mind Candy released Moshi Monsters Village on Google Play,[11] a 3D city-builder published by GREE and developed by Tag Games. After GREE UK shut down,[12] Mind Candy decided to take over the game as publisher, leaving the development to Tag Games. The game was relaunched on Apple devices on 18 December 2013 immediately ahead of the release of the movie.

In December 2013, Mind Candy published the companion app Talking Poppet, also developed by Tag Games.

In February 2014, Moshi Karts was released on iOS by Mind Candy.

In June 2014, Moshling Rescue a 'match three' game based on the Moshling characters was released on iOS and Android.

In early 2015 Mind Candy released an app called World of Warriors which was shut down in October 2018.

In November 2016, they released the Moshi MonstersEgg Hunt app, alongside a companion storybook of the same name.


In March 2012, Mind Candy confirmed a major partnership deal with Sony Music.[13] The deal followed the recent launch of Mind Candy's own music label, Moshi Monsters Music. The deal will see Sony Music handle the distribution aspects of Moshi Monsters' music releases, starting with the debut album Moshi Monsters, Music Rox!Jason Perry, formerly with the UK rock band A and head of Moshi Music, is driving the new album. The Moshi Monsters series features music from Sonic Boom, Beatie Wolfe, The Blackout, Portia Conn, and songs such as 'Moptop Tweenybop' and 'Merry Twistmas'. Two albums are available on iTunes and Google Play, as well as on disc. One album contains the songs from Moshi Monsters: The Movie, and another album has some of Moshi Monster's first songs. Not all songs are available to buy on various platforms.


In 2013, Mind Candy announced a Moshi Monsters film. In September 2013, Issue 34 of the Moshi Monsters Magazine included a Moshi Music DVD with a short trailer. On 10 October 2013 a short preview of the trailer was broadcast on ITV Daybreak. Later that day, the trailer was released on MSN. The film was released on 20 December 2013 in the UK and 20 February 2014 in Australia. The DVD and Blu-ray were released on 14 April 2014 in the UK and 3 April 2014 in Australia.[14]

Lady Goo Goo injunction[edit]

In October 2011, Ate My Heart Inc, representing the musician Lady Gaga, were granted an interim injunction by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales to stop Mind Candy, parent company of Moshi Monsters, from releasing music on iTunes by a Moshi Monster character known as Lady Goo Goo. The songs intended for release included the parody 'Peppy-razzi', similar to the Lady Gaga hit 'Paparazzi'.[15] Justice Vos of the High Court ruled that Lady Goo Goo could appear in the Moshi Monsters game, but that Mind Candy could not release, promote, advertise, sell, distribute, or otherwise make available 'any musical work or video that purports to be performed by a character by the name of Lady Goo Goo, or that otherwise uses the name Lady Goo Goo or any variant thereon'.[16] Lady Goo Goo was later replaced with a new Moshling named Baby Rox, who is not a parody of any particular celebrity.

Decline in popularity and relaunch[edit]

The creator of Moshi Monsters, Mind Candy, suffered a loss of £2.2m in 2013 due to a drop in sales from Moshi Monsters. The company's financial reports have shown that the profit declined by 34.8% from £46.9 million in 2012 to £30.6 million in 2013.

In 2015, Mind Candy revealed that they were preparing to relaunch Moshi Monsters for a younger audience of four- to seven-year-olds, initially as animation with apps and toys to follow. However, no changes have been made to the Moshi Monsters site since then, apart from the removal of the forums section.

Since 2015, the decline of Moshi Monsters and the site's creator Mind Candy has continued. The peak of Moshi Monsters' popularity was in 2012 at £46.9m, and it has continued to decline. In 2018, total revenues were £5.2m, compared with £13.2m in 2014.[17]

The Moshi Monsters website was shut down on 13 December 2019.[18]


In 2015, both Bin Weevils and Moshi Monsters were told to change the wording of their in-app advertisements by the Advertising Standards Authority, who said that the adverts and phrases such as 'The Super Moshis need YOU' pressured users to buy certain items inside the game. Mind Candy said that it took its responsibilities 'very seriously with regards to how we communicate with all of our fans, especially children.' It went on to say that Mind Candy had 'been working with the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) to ensure that we adhere to best practice and have made changes to the Moshi Monsters game accordingly. We will continue to work with the ASA in any way possible.'[19]


  1. ^Mike Butcher (2 May 2013). 'As Moshi Monsters hits 5 years, can it pull off three new games?'. TechCrunch. Archived from the original on 16 April 2014. Retrieved 16 April 2014. Moshi Monsters started out as an online world of adoptable pet monsters for boys and girls aged 6-12 back in 2008.
  2. ^Moshi Monsters founder: 'I was Mr Stress, now I'm Mr Calm'Archived 3 April 2019 at the Wayback Machine, Business Insider
  3. ^'Moshi Monsters - Welcome to Moshi Monsters, Parents!'. Archived from the original on 5 August 2012. Retrieved 31 July 2012.
  4. ^Online World Atlas: Moshi Monsters – Pt. 1, Overview', Worlds in Motion. Retrieved 23 October 2010. Archived 7 December 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^(4 December 2009). 'Millions and millions of big monstersArchived 2017-11-07 at the Wayback Machine', The Independent. Retrieved 20 February 2010.
  6. ^Yiannopoulos, Milo (8 September 2010). 'Moshi Monsters is leading the way on child safetyArchived 2017-11-14 at the Wayback Machine', The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 23 October 2010.
  7. ^Barnett, Emma (7 June 2011). 'Moshi Monsters hits 50 million membersArchived 2017-11-07 at the Wayback Machine', The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 7 June 2011.
  8. ^ABC Figures Reveal Moshi Monsters Magazine is the Best Selling Children's Magazine in the UKArchived 28 October 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Bloomberg
  9. ^Moshi Monsters video game breaks chart recordArchived 4 July 2012 at the Wayback Machine, ToyNews
  10. ^'Moshi Monsters gets QSR promo at McDonald's'. Archived from the original on 12 July 2019. Retrieved 12 July 2019.
  11. ^'Moshi Monsters Village - Apps on Google Play'. Archived from the original on 19 May 2014. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  12. ^Ingrid Lunden (8 July 2013) 9 December 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  13. ^'Sony Music partners with Moshi Monsters - News - Music Week'. Archived from the original on 16 October 2013. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  14. ^'Moshi Monsters (2013)'. Archived from the original on 20 April 2015. Retrieved 21 July 2018 – via
  15. ^Neither Mind Candy nor the Goo Goo Dolls can lay claim to being the first to whose given name has been appended the epithet 'Goo Goo'. For that honor one might turn at the very least to Lt. Gen. Leslie Richard ('Dick' or 'Goo Goo') Groves, Jr., a World War II-era US Army Corps of Engineers officer who oversaw not only the construction of the Pentagon for the US Department of Defense but also the Manhattan Project that created the atomic bombs that won World War II for the Allies and literally saved the world from autocracy. Chances are, too, there were other 'goo goos' in the US Army before Groves.
  16. ^Sweney, Mark (13 October 2011). 'Lady Goo Goo injunction'. Archived from the original on 30 September 2013. Retrieved 5 July 2013.
  17. ^'MIND CANDY LIMITED - Filing history (free information from Companies House)'. Archived from the original on 12 July 2019. Retrieved 12 July 2019.
  18. ^''Moshi Monsters' is shutting down because it runs on Flash'. Retrieved 8 December 2019.
  19. ^Rawlinson, Kevin (26 August 2015). 'Ad watchdog rebukes Moshi Monsters'. Archived from the original on 6 July 2019. Retrieved 12 July 2019.
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