Moshi Monsters Quiz

11 Questions | By 54together123 | Last updated: Dec 6, 2017 | Total Attempts: 433

Take this quiz to find out which of the six Moshi Monsters you are most like!

There are some moshi monster ultimate fans in the world and you might get 100% if you like moshi monsters as much as I do.If you don't know about moshi monsters you could take some lucky gueses,tee hee!!! Do you think you know everything about moshi monsters,well you might not get 100% because these questions are pretty hard.You brain must have. Wich moshi monster Puppie moshling are you by Chrisrox2001 What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. The moshi monsters quiz. So peeps this quiz is all about moshi monsters and called the moshi monsters quiz so we are just gonna ask you 10 quistions about this online game all you have to do is anser them simple!

  • What is your favourite colour?
    • Pink, it looks so nice and it suits cute things.

    • Red, it reminds me of fire!!!

    • Gold, the colour of pride and courage.

    • Jet black, just like a rockstar's clothes!

    • It depends on the seasons.

    • I like them all.

  • What is your favourite food?
    • Anything, as long as it tastes good.

    • Homemade baking.

    • Spicy things like curry, nachos etc.

    • Chocolate!

    • I like fish and meat.

    • Slop (it looks disgusting, but monsters like me love it!)

  • What is your favourite kind of music?
    • ROCK!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

    • Dance pop

    • The latest songs from super hip girl groups.

    • Techno.

    • Reggae, chill out.

    • Hip hop

  • Which set of four words fits your personality best?
    • Cool, brave, bold, tough.

    • Grumpy, hungry, strong, cuddly

    • Cute, shy, friendly, happy

    • Creepy, kind, hyper, loud

    • Pretty, posh, bossy, fashionable

    • Naughty, hot-tempered, jolly, extroverted

  • What is your favourite subject at school?
    • P.E

    • Science

    • Drama

    • Dance

    • Lunchtime

    • Geography

  • If you had a new item in your wardrobe, what will it be?
    • A new glittery necklace with my initials in gold.

    • A jumpsuit

    • A hoodie (they're so cool)

    • A pretty summer dress

    • A leather jacket

    • New sport trainers

  • If you get thirsty, what drink do you have?
    • Homemade lemonade

    • Fizzy orange soda

    • Chocolate milkshake

    • Cherrypop

    • Fiery ginger ale

    • A mug of sticky dark treacle

  • What would you do if you get vegetables for tea?
    • Feel a bit disappointed, but eat them anyway.

    • Eat them up and ask for seconds!

    • Throw a massive tantrum and burn the plate

    • Tip up the table so your plate goes on the floor.

    • Make a cutesy excuse to give them to your dog

    • Cut the veggies into tiny pieces, eat some of them, then say you need to do homework.

  • What is your favourite animal?
    • Lizards

    • Butterflies

    • Kittens and puppies

    • Parrots

    • Monkeys

    • Spiders!!!

  • What's your favourite TV show?
    • Scary horror films

    • TV shows about fashion models.

    • You're usually asleep when the TV's on, so you don't notice what you're watching.

    • Action-packed films!!!

    • Pre-school TV shows. They're better than those new TV shows they make nowadays.

    • Comedy cartoons.

  • When you are in a bad mood, what do you do?
    • Sit in a corner and sulk

    • Cry

    • Pull your hair.

    • Burn a hole in the ceiling

    • Scratch sanything that gets in your way.

    • Moan and boss everyone around.

10 Questions | By Moshilover34067 | Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 | Total Attempts: 533

If you think you know moshi monsters then you aint seen nothing yet

Moshi monsters sign up free
  • What moshi monsters moshling is #13?
    • Dj quack

    • Purdy

    • Dipsy

  • What shop keeper works in yukea?
    • Giuseppe gelato

    • Moe yucky

    • Babs

  • Which of these monsters are furry?
    • I.g.g.y

    • Furi

    • Blurp

  • Which monster is the leader of the super moshis?
    • Dr strangeglove

    • Roary scrawl

    • Elder furi

  • Who is mr moshi?
    • The creator of moshi monsters

    • The owner of moshi monsters

    • The copyright proprieter of moshi monsters

  • In your garden how many seeds can you plant at one time?
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

  • What shop sells clothes to monsters?
    • Yukea

    • Bizar bazar

    • The market place

  • What part of monstro city is the place were dj quack lives?
    • Candy cane caves

    • Underground disco

    • Lake neon soup

  • What set is the moshling cocoloko in?
    • Nutties

    • Tunies

    • Puppies

  • What monster can fly
    • Dj quack

    • Luvli

    • White fang