Moshi Monsters Humphrey

Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt is an iOS/Android app that is themed around taking care of Moshlings as you hatch them daily, tying into the Egg Hunt book. The game was released on October 26th 2016 and has a target demographic of 6-8 year-olds. The game is free to play and contains no in-app purchases.

Sweet Tooth glared across the room at a blank wall, giving up all attempts to concentrate on the work laid out on the table before them. Hanging onto their right leg was a small but very loud infant, who had not stopped crying for nearly an hour, and kept tugging on Sweet Tooth's hand for attention. It was impossible to get anything done with this kid crying on and on, and Sweet Tooth couldn't get rid of him until after these plans were complete. The whole situation really wasn't fair.


When the CLONC leader brought the situation to everyone's attention, most of them had a good laugh over it. It was safe to say that nobody was a huge fan of Strangeglove at this point, and few felt the least bit sorry for him - especially given the funny nature of his misfortune. Sweet Tooth's snickering, however, was quickly cut short.


'As you are technically Dr. Strangeglove's sidekick, Sweet Tooth,' The CLONC leader announced gravely, 'It will be your responsibility to return him to normal, and to care for him in the meantime.'

Sweet Tooth was far from pleased, but they were not dumb enough to refuse.


So, here they were. Sweet Tooth had to take care of a baby-version of the Doctor,and find a way to turn him back to normal. And the baby was making neither job easy.

Sweet Tooth pulled the infant off their leg, and held him at arm's length, trying to figure out what to do now. The baby looked very much like he was just a shrunk-down version of the adult Strangeglove: the only obvious differences were the lack of mustache, and the fact that both of his gloves were now white. And, of course, there was the constant crying.

The first method Sweet Tooth had employed to keep Strangeglove occupied had kept him blessedly quiet for hours, but that wasn't really an option anymore.


'All right, kid, you just play with that, and I'll figure out a way to fix you. Easy as pie!' Adjusting their hypnoblaster to a low setting, Sweet Tooth simply handed it over to the baby.

Sweet Tooth grinned and mentally congratulated themself on the clever plan.

And it had worked, at least at first. The infant was quite engrossed with the hypnoblaster, sometimes playing with it and gurgling happily, but mostly just staring at the mesmerizing twirling spirals.

But, after a while, the hypnotic effect started to wear off slightly, and Strangeglove took to putting the hypnoblaster in his mouth and sucking on it. Sweet Tooth pulled it away multiple times, and attempted to give Strangeglove a severe talk on how it was not permissible to drool on their trademark weapon. But Strangeglove simply whined and made grabby hands in a 'give that back or I'm gonna pitch a huge fuss' manner.

When Strangeglove took to banging the device against the floor, though, it suddenly occurred to Sweet Tooth that allowing a baby to play with a weapon capable of knocking someone unconscious (or knocking their teeth out…) if the setting was changed was perhaps not the best idea. Especially if, when Strangeglove returned to normal, he happened to remember that Sweet Tooth had let him play with a potentially dangerous weapon.



But now, Sweet Tooth wondered if dealing with an angry adult Strangeglove was really that much worse than dealing with a fussy baby Strangeglove. He hadn't stopped crying since Sweet Tooth had taken the hypnoblaster away from him - amazingly, he had managed to become even louder an insistent over time. And any other colorful/shiny objects given to him had been promptly thrown across the room.

Still holding the squirming baby at arm's length, Sweet Tooth attempted to resolve the issue through dialogue. 'What's wrong with you?' Sweet Tooth asked exasperatedly, 'What do you want? Are you tired? Hungry? Dying of internal injuries?' Sweet Tooth gave the baby a little shake, as if expecting to hear something rattling around inside him.

'Hun-y.' Strangeglove said, between sobs and sniffles.

'…Honey…?… Oh! Hungry? You are hungry? What! I just fed you, like…' Sweet Tooth glanced at the clock. Had it really been four… Wait, five hours? Jeez, time flies when you are being psychologically tortured by an infant.

But that was ok. Because Sweet Tooth had thought of another great way to distract baby Strangeglove, without putting him in immediate physical danger.

'Just one second, kid.' Sweet Tooth sat the still-crying Strangeglove down on the floor.


Ten minutes later, Strangeglove was no longer crying. He was surrounded by mounds of various sweets, all piled up around him: chocolate and cookies, cupcakes and marshmallows, fudge and gummy candies. Making delighted little gurgling sounds, Strangeglove grabbed a handful of icing from one of the cupcakes, and smooshed it in his face.

'Haha, great, have fun with that.' Sweet Tooth sat back down to work. Soon their headache finally began to fade, and they started to hope that they would actually get something accomplished this afternoon.

Those hopes were crushed less than fifteen minutes later.

It turned out that when baby Strangeglove was on a sugar high, he was somehow even more annoying than when he was upset. One minute he was running around the room on his unsteady legs, the next he was on the ground crying because he fell over a giant candy cane, and Sweet Tooth would have to come comfort him to make him stop wailing - a minute later, he was laughing loudly again, jumping on the couch, ripping papers, untying Sweet Tooth's shoes, pulling on Sweet Tooth's wig….


Moshi Monsters Humphrey

'I hope you're happy, kid.' An extremely frazzled Sweet Tooth slumped in their chair, glaring at baby Strangeglove, who sat under the table whining again. He had apparently burned the sugar out of his system, and he was back to being fussy all over again. 'You have successfully kept me from working out a way to get you back to normal. That's one more day you're stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you.'

Strangeglove whined insistently, reaching up towards them.

'What now?'

Strangeglove reached towards them again, even more insistently.

'Do you want to be held? Is that it?' Sweet Tooth let out a sigh that sounded more like a growl. They picked up the infant, and held him with one arm around his back, the other hooked under his knees. 'Happy?'

Strangeglove burped loudly.


Now that he was being held, Strangeglove seemed much calmer. Hopeful that he might fall asleep, Sweet Tooth started gently rubbing Strangeglove's back in what they hoped was a calming way. They also tried rocking the chair they were sitting in slowly backwards and forwards with one foot.

It worked. Strangeglove wrapped his arms around Sweet Tooth's neck, and his breathing got slower and deeper, until at last he seemed to be sound asleep.

Overjoyed, Sweet Tooth slowly and carefully walked across the room, got a blanket out of a closet (carefully balancing the baby with one arm), and laid it on the couch. The problem came when they tried to get the infant off them. Between the hold he had on Sweet Tooth's neck, and all the sticky syrupy stuff on both Strangeglove and Sweet Tooth - which practically glued them together - Sweet Tooth couldn't seem to peel the baby away from them.

'Oh… Fudge it.' Sweet Tooth grumbled, lying down on the couch themself and pulling the blanket over both them and Strangeglove, 'I could use a nap, too.'

Each Moshling needs certain main ingredients to be attracted totheir cupcake.

For example: for Chop Chop, the cake mix and the icing do notmatter as long as you only add nuts as the topping.

Chop Chop: Chop Chop's main ingredient is nuts.

DJ Quack: DJ Quack's main ingredients are orange cake and scummiworms.

Dipsy: Dipsy's main ingredient is vanilla cake and abarfmallow.

Ecto: Ecto's main ingredients are all chocolate: cocoa cake,chocolate icing, sludge fudge and chocolate chip!

General Fuzuki: General Fuzuki's main ingredient is green slimeicing.

I.G.G.Y.: I.G.G.Y. is attracted by any ingredients that do notattract any of the other Moshlings.

Jeepers: Jeepers' main ingredients are white vanilla icing witha star candy and a sludge fudge.

Liberty: Liberty's main ingredient is a star candy.

McNulty: McNulty's main ingredient is to have a cake with noicing.

Mr Snoodle: Mr. Snoodle's main ingredient is orange cake.

Shelby: Shelby's main ingredients are green slime icing and aSludge Fudge.

Sooki Yaki: Sooki-Yaki's main ingredients are Chocolate Cake andPink Strawberry Icing.

Squidge: Squidge's main ingredient is slopcorn.

Tiki: Tiki's main ingredients are blue blueberry icing and acherry.

White Fang: White Fang's main ingredients are one of eachtopping.