Moshi Monsters Garden



Posted on July 12, 2012 - Comments [82]

My little boy is currently obsessed by Moshi Monsters and judging by the number of members he’s not the only one. How do I get Moshlings?” was one of the first questions he asked. One of the main activities in the game is collecting little pets for your Monster called Moshlings.

Nov 14, 2011  Which plants do you buy moshlings on moshi monsters? For most of the moshlings, you need to buy seeds to plant in your Moshling Garden. The seeds grow and attract moshlings to your garden.

Hopefully this guide will help anyone (and their frustrated parents) find everything they need to know about collecting moshlings all in one place.

How to get Moshlings

There are a number of ways to get Moshlings:

  • Enter a special code (see Special Moshlings below)
  • Complete Super Moshi Missions (See Super Moshi Missions below)
  • Attract moshlings by planting seeds in your Moshling Garden.

Planting Seeds to Attract Moshlings

Planting Seeds in the moshling garden is the main way to get Moshlings. The seeds grow into different flowers in different colours. If you get the right combination then you’ll attract a moshling. Some moshlings are easy to attract, but others will only be attracted if the flowers are the correct colour.

Don’t worry about which order to plan the seeds in your garden. The order of the flowers doesn’t matter. It’s only the flower type and colour that makes a difference.

Buy seeds from the Seed Cart on Main Street or (if you are a Moshi Member) super seeds.

Plant these seeds in each of the three plots by dragging the seeds from your seed pouch to one of the three plots in the garden. Click on the pouch to open and close it, just like the chest in your room.

The flowers you’ve planted don’t grow instantly, but according to the help info provided by the Scarecrow in the Moshling Garden, your flowers will grow faster, the happier your monster is.

You’ll have to wait until all three of your flowers have grown. If you’ve grown the right combination of flowers (and flower colours) then you’ll see a moshling wander into the garden. Click on the moshling to add it to your home (or Zoo if you’re a member).

You’ve got the option of setting it free if you don’t want it, but if you’re a Member and have a moshling zoo, you can collect more than one of each moshling.

If you don’t attract a moshling, you’ll find that the strange bird in the tree, The Cluekoo will give you some hints on how to find one. The tip it gives in the speech bubble is related to the flower that is highlighted by the glow. In many cases, it’s a case of either changing one of the plants for another variety or planting the same plant again in the hope that you’ll get a different colour.

Buying Seeds

There are three places you can get seed from – the Seed Cart, Super Seeds and by entering a special code/MoPod (see Secret Moshlings below)

The Seed Cart

The following seeds are available from the Seed Cart:

  • Hot Silly Peppers
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Star Blossom
  • Mood Orchid
  • Magic Beans
  • Love Berries

You’ll also notice the following code on a poster in the back ground: “Why not try: 1x Love Berries, 1x Love Berries and 1x Dragon Fruit”. This is the code for Stanley, one of the Fishies.

Super Seeds

Super seeds is only available to Moshi Members. You’ll find that as well as the seeds available from the Seed Cart listed above, you can also get:

  • Snap Apple
  • Crazy Daisy

If you’re into your Moshi conspiracy theories you might read something into the fact that there’s space on the shelves for another 4 types of seeds and an up and down arrow.

Flower Colours

Any of the eight different variety of plants can flower in any of the following six colours: Purple, Blue, Black, Pink, Red and Yellow.

Rox Plants

There is a chance that any seed you plant will come up as a Rox plant. If you let this flower you’ll find that you get a number of Rox when you dig it up.

Once you’ve planted your seeds, leave your garden and then go back again. You can then hover your pointer over the plant and it’ll tell you if it’s turned into a Rox plant. You can dig it up there and then if you’re keen to get on with attracting Moshlings or let it grow if you want more Rox.

Moshling Zoo

Moshlings are organised into difference categories, each containing four moshlings. If you get all four of a category in your Zoo, the background for that category will be coloured in.

Moshling Sets

According to the Moshling Zoo there are 72 different types of moshlings arranged into different sets:

  • Beasties
  • Birdies
  • Dinos
  • Fishies
  • Fluffies
  • Foodies
  • Kitties
  • Luckies
  • Ninjas
  • Noises (So far there’s only three “Noises” moshling.)
  • Nutties (Only three moshlings in this set.)
  • Ponies
  • Puppies
  • Secrets
  • Smilies (Only two moshling in this set.)
  • Snowies
  • Spookies
  • Sporties (Only one moshling in this set.)
  • Techies
  • Tunies
  • Worldies
  • Zoshlings

Moshling Flower Combinations

To find out what combinations of flowers you need to grow to attact which moshlings by taking a look at our Moshling Flower Combinations guide.


Secret Moshlings

This is a a set of “secret” moshlings. All four moshlings in this set have now been released. They are: Roxy, Lady GooGoo, Blingo, and Dustbin Beaver.


Roxy is the easiest one of the secret moshlings to get. You’ll need to enter the following secret/MoPod code: HOBBIDIDANCE.

You should then find that you’ve got a Radiant Roxy Rose seed in your seed pouch when you visit the Moshling Garden. Plant this seed with any two others and you should attract Roxy.

Lady Goo Goo

The only one not to require a seed is Lady GooGoo, who can only be obtained by completing the Super Moshi Mission number 1. You’ll need to be a Moshi Member to do the Super Moshi Missions.


You’ll need to buy the “Busters Lost Moshling Book” in order to get the unique secret/MoPod code for Blingo. This is a unique code in each book. You won’t be able to use a code again once it’s been used.

Once you enter the secret code, you’ll find that you have a Hip Hop Hibicus seed in your pouch. Just like Roxy, plant this special seed with any two others and you’ll get Blingo.

Good news for those who couldn’t get hold of the Buster’s Lost Moshiling Book”, a code for Blingo has been released on the Moshi Offer website.


Dustbin Beaver

Moshi Monsters Gardens

In order to get the Dustbin Beaver moshling you’ll need to sucbcribe to the Moshi Monsters Magazine. This will get you a unique code for Trashy Tulip seed. Plant this seed with any two others and you’ll get Dustbin Beaver.

For more information see our article on How to get Dustbin Beaver.


Nipper is an exclusive moshling only available to people who have purchased the Moshling Zoo DS game. The game contains a card with a one-time use code.

If you don’t want to buy the DS game, or don’t even have a DS then it seems that you’re out of luck and always going to have a gap in your zoo. It’s a similar situation to Dustbin Beaver in my opinion.

For more information see our article on How to get Nipper.


It seems that Pip is an exclusive moshling that’s only available to poeple who have purchased a Moshling Playset.

For more information see our article on How to get Pip.

Super Moshi Mission Moshlings

As you complete the Super Moshi missions, you’ll be rewarded with a Moshling. You’ll need to be a Moshi Member to do the Super Moshi Missions.

Season 1

Lady Goo Goo – Mission 1, Missing Moshling Egg
Wurley – Mission 2, Voyage Under Potion Ocean
Plinky – Mission 3, Strangeglove From Above
Cherry Bomb – Mission 4, Candy Catastrophe
Holga – Mission 5 , Pop Goes the GooGoo
Penny – Mission 6, Moshiversity Challenge
Tiamo – Mission 7 – 20,000 Leagues Under The Fur
Gabby – Mission 8 – Spooktacular Spectacular
Tomba – Mission 9 – Snow Way Out
Wallop – Mission 10 – Super Weapon Showdown

Season 2

CocoLoco – Mission 1, Close Encounters of the Zoshi Kind
Rofl – Mission 2, Sandy Drain Shenanigans
Woolly – Mission 3, Bungle in the Jungle
Pocito – Mission 4, Big Top Bally-Hoo
Tingaling – Mission 5, The Curse of the Paw-Wavin’ Kitten
Bobby Sing-Song – Mission 6, Welcome to Jollywood
Scarlet O’Haira – Mission 7, Masters of the Swooniverse

Moshlings for Non-Members

If you’re not a member you’re limited in the following ways when it comes to collecting Moshlings:

  • You can’t use the Moshling Zoo
  • You can only have two Moshlings in your room
  • You can’t access Super Seeds, so this means you can’t get any Moshlings that are attracted to Snap Apples or Crazy Daisies.
  • You won’t be able to get the Moshlngs from the Super Moshi Missions as these are only available to members.

Some Common Questions

Q. Does the position of the flowers make a difference?
A. As far as I can tell, it makes absolutely no difference which order you plant your seeds, just as long as you’ve got the right combination of both type and colour.

Q. How do I stop my plants turning into Rox Plants?
A. You can’t, it’s a random chance that any seed you plant will turn into a Rox plant.

Q. How can I make my plants grow faster?
A. The speed at which your plants grow is related to he happiness of your monster. So give him a tickle, decorate his room and take him out to do things!

Q. How do I get the Moshling poster for my room?
A. You need to enter the following secret/MoPod code ALLMOSHLINGS. You’ll then find the poster in the chest in your room.

Q. What about Bonkers the moshling?
A. This is a fake. Someone edited a screenshot from the moshling garden to make up their own moshling.

If you’ve found this guide useful, then please visit my little boy’s monster and say hello. You can find it here:

Don’t forget to tweet/stumble this article, and if you’ve got any questions feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Hunting!


If you are afree Basic Member, you will find a 'choose Moshling' button in yourMoshling garden. Click on this button and you will get a table ofall the Moshlings in the various sets. The selection screen showswhich Moshlings you already have. If you hover over a Moshling thename will turn into a green 'CATCH' button. Click on this buttonand you will see the combination you need to plant displayed inyour garden. All you need to do now is plant the seeds you need byclicking on the 'PLANT' button and the correct seeds willautomatically be purchased and planted in your garden! If you hoverover a Moshling that can't be attracted to your garden with a seedcombination a sticker will appear on the Moshling image that says'Combo Unknown'.

If you are apaid Moshi Member, you can go to your Moshling Zoo and click on thename of the moshling you want to catch. The moshling's profile willcome up and you then click on the green 'CATCH' button which willtake you to your Moshling Garden and show you the seeds you need toplant to catch that moshling.

In your Moshling Zoo, if youclick on a Moshling that you can't get by planting seeds, you willsee one of three things:

  • A message that reads 'Catch bycompleting:' and the name of the mission along with a friendlybutton to take you to the Mission.

  • Or a 'Top SECRET' stamp. You will see the 'Top Secret' stampwhen you look at Moshlings that are only available by buying MoshiMerchandise or from Special Missions, Quests, or Adventures thatare no longer available.

  • A list of the moshlings in your room. You will see the list ofmoshlings in your room if the moshling is not yet available to becaught.