Moshi Monster Kitty Youtube

  1. Moshi Monster Songs

Sorry for taking ages to put this chapter up. My computer was dead broken and i'm using mu sister's old laptop. And not only that but I was sick missing school and I had two assessments which I had to study for -_-' Anyway I hope you like it.

Lisa and Kii walked around in Main street, It was small, but busy. There were monster's and humans everywhere. A big sign what was covered in shiny bulbs read 'Monstro City'. There was a store right next to the sign and right next to the store was a wide alley way with what looked like a seed cart. Next to the cart was probably another type of store and round the corner from that was a very bizarre lab. On the other side had all the human's food and water. It was a big shopping mall. Lisa was amazed by how populated this place really was. The sicken feeling already gone from her stomach. As she looked around she had an enormous grin on her face, she looked down to her pet Katsuma.

'Isn't this wonderful Kii!?' She asked….there was no answer. She opened her eyes and saw no Kii. Fear flooded Lisa as she could hear her heart beat against her rib cage. 'Kii? Kii! Where are you!?'

Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube Music Sports Gaming Movies TV Shows News Live Fashion Spotlight 360° Video. Lady Meowford the Pretty Kitty is an uncommon Moshling in the Kitties set. They are a white cat with a heart marking and a purple dress. Lady Meowford is annoyingly smart and has soprano singing voices. Frightfully sweet but a bit annoying, these cute Moshlings are always right about everything. Well okay, there once was a time when a Pretty Kitty thought it was wrong, but it turned out to be.

She looked around, but the place was so crowded that she couldn't even see the stores. She started pushing pass people and calling out at the same time. She was back to the alleyway what had the seed cart, she laid against the wall trying to breath…but-but she couldn't. Kii wasn't anywhere! She heard a noise near the seed cart, but couldn't care less. Tiny tears rushed out. Something tugged onto her top, she looked down as angrily as she could when…

Lisa gasped, her eyes widening. It was Kii! He looked up at her with shock to seeing her with tears in her eyes. Lisa sniffed, the tears left and she slid down to her knees, hugging Kii close.

'Really Kii! Try and keep up you silly sausage!' Kii replied with a nod and a smirk.

Lisa sighed. They were walking towards a store with the blue roof. Lisa got out a piece of paper out of her pocket. From her research it was called 'The Gross-ery Store'. They went in. The 'thing' that own the store was called Snozzle Wobbleson. He looked a little like a triangle shaped jelly with the angels curved, You could see the brain as the head was see-through. He had antenna's on his head and his tentacle like legs were shaped a bit like socks. He looked happy.

'Welcome to my humble store! Feel free to look around' He says. Lisa nods at him and they go round and look at the stuff on the shelf. She got three packs of Katsuma Crunch, two boxes of Roarberry Cheesecake and one Toad soda. Well it least Kii won't starve. Thought Lisa as she paid for the food. Once they got out Kii was dancing with delight. Lisa laughed as they crossed the road to a super market what had human food in. They went in and Lisa got bread, eggs, some bacon and sausages. She got butter, ham and Cola Cola. She also got some milk and tea bags. After that they went into Bizarre Bazaar. They went in and a two legged monster stood there what had a white lab coat on and its hands, lip and ears were pink while the head what was all fuzzy was blue. It also wore glasses and was carrying a calculator. It said 'Greetings, what can I get you?' Lisa got some wall paper and some carpet of hers and Kii's choice. Once their shopping was done, they walked around for a bit. They stopped to see a small bridge leading towards a set of houses.

'You wanna walk over there and see the river?' Asked Lisa, pointing towards the small river. The little Katsuma nodded and they went over. But as they got closer, they saw a bear like person sitting down what seemed to have a big style of brown,messy hair with eyes in.

'You can't come in you know' He said when Lisa and Kii was close enough.

'What! Why?'

'Because you aren't a Moshi member' He said becoming a bit angry. Lisa looked at him with big eyes.

'Moshi Member?' She wondered out loud, making the guy sigh.

'If your a Moshi member then your Moshi can be a Super Moshi and save lives, you can also style your house and you can get a passport and go down to the disco, you can even have your own Moshing zoo and can go to great places like the port and the gift island!' He says. Lisa doesn't really know most of what he was on about but it sounds great for Kii.

'How do you be a Moshi member and a Super Moshi?' She asked with her hands on her hips.

'All you have to do is write to the member council, write a good letter to say why your Moshi should be a member and to be a super Moshi you write a letter the same like for being a member and hand it into the super Moshi volcano.'

'Right. Thanks.' And she started marching off with Kii behind her, trying to keep up. He said something a little irritated due to her stomping off. She suddenly stopped and there was a smile on her face. She spun round and faced Kii. 'Kii! We will make you a Moshi member and you get to be a super Moshi too!'

Back at the house Lisa put the bags of food down next to the cooker. Kii went over to their bag and got out his stuff toy dragon which he played with. Lisa got out some line paper and a pen. She laid them on the floor and thought what to say. The first letter she was writing for was for Kii to be a member. Lisa looks down at the paper and back at Kii who had his back to her making his dragon fly about, he started making sounds for the dragons fire. Lisa looked back at her paper and started writing.

Dear council of the Moshi members,

I would like to write to you about my Moshi monster becoming a Moshi member. My Moshi monster is a Katsuma. He may be well behaved at times but does have a temper. I think he should be a member as he is amazing at anything he does. You may think I'm going to go a long letter about what a great Moshi monster and pet he's been. Well he has been a good pet and an even better Moshi, but who really wants to read all about someone's pet when all you really need to know is that me and my Katsuma love each other very much and I want to do what's best for him.

Yours sincerely Lisa Kith

Lisa sighs as she finished her first letter, she goes onto the next one.

Dear Super Moshi Volcano,

I would like to write to you about my Moshi being a Super Moshi! I believe that my Katsuma (Kii) would do very well as a super Moshi. He has many skills but one skill he has is how to have fun. For example once while I had to go to school, he came rushing in by skateboard and had a bucket of paint in his paw. He rushed me out school and was somehow able to get all the paint on my school without anyone knowing. After that we both were on the skateboard, raced down the road on a busy highway. Long story short we were in big trouble. But that didn't matter because he knows how to have a fun time. Another skill he has is caring for each other. We once found a birds egg near a tree (with the dead mother lying beside it) and he started looking after is till it hatched and he was like a mother to that baby bird. All I'm trying to say is that Kii deserves to be a super Moshi! He would love to help out and go on mission's, it be his dream come true! So please think how Kii would feel when he finds out he can't be a Super Moshi!

Yours sincerely Lisa Kith

Lisa read and reread her letters, they were alright. But she couldn't think of anything else to say. She put them in her pocket and looked over at Kii...who was not there. But Lisa could already know what happened while she looked around. She could see that as he was playing with the dragon he got hungry and bored. He left the dragon on the floor and went over to the shopping and ate a whole packet of Katsuma crunch, leaving crumbs on the floor. The crumbs lead to the door to the garden.

The garden was massive, it had a big space for plants and the ground was covered in grass. Although there was some weeds, Lisa believed that she would be able to pull them out once she has the time. There was a small shed, the wood was old and the current paint was peeling off. The windows were dirty and covered in dirt, there was one with a huge crack in the middle. There wasn't many flowers, just a blue and pink one separated from each other, Lisa felt sad for them.

Kii was there in the middle, looking at something on the ground, Lisa walked over to Kii to check what it was. Kii found a seed, it was a black seed covered in old dirt. It looked old too, Lisa wondered if it would grow anything. Kii looked up and showed Lisa the seed, Kii was jumping around.

'Are you sure Kii? It doesn't look like it would grow anything' Said Lisa, kneeling down and taking the seed from Kii, carefully. Kii nodded happily by what it found, he pointed at it and then he pointed to the ground. Lisa sighed. 'I try.'

Lisa looked around the garden to see if there was a watering can. There wasn't one. Lisa looked into the window of the shed. There was dust and spider webs everywhere, who ever lived here last left a long time ago. There was garden tools and best of all a watering can. Lisa turned the knob of the door but it wouldn't budge. Lisa huffed with irritation. Now what? She couldn't break a window because she may want to use this shed once they get their act together. Lisa then remembered something. She popped back inside and next to the garden door was a set of keys, one of which would open the shed door. She took all the keys and ran outside and tried them all. You know when in movies people have a lot of keys and need to find the right one in time before something goes off? Well Lisa learnt from that and tried the last key...too bad that didn't work. So Lisa tried them all to the last one, which would of been the first one; if she took that one first. Lisa mentally slapped herself, this wasn't a movie.

She unlocked the door and went in, the door opened with a creak. Which wasn't good as Kii was scared of creaking doors. He hid behind the tall tree. The trunk was big and broad with the color of hazel brown. The branches were thick and tough. The leaves were a deep green, a beautiful green.

Back with Lisa, she had entered the shed and kept her feet together, not wanting things crawling on her feet. There was dust on the floor as well, there were drawers, some what didn't have knobs on. She grabbed the watering can and ran out there, a little spooked. As she closed the door, she looked round for a garden tap. There was one coming out of the house, she went over to it and turned the tap. Fresh water came out and hit the watering can with a splash. Once it was full, she carried it toward the patch of already made flower beds. Kii who was holding the seed, dug a bit in the ground and dropped the seed. Lisa then poured a lot of water onto the spot and they watch as the water drained to the bottom. Lisa and Kii high five each other.

Q1: 2 X 10

Moshi Monster Kitty Youtube

A: 15 B: 20 C: 200 D: 2

Lisa quickly tapped B: 20

Q2: 5 X 6


A: 30 B: 67 C: 40 D: 12

Lisa tapped A:30

Q3: 10 X 10

A: 28 B: 200 C:100 D:38

Lisa tapped C:100, the clock was quickly counting down, Lisa did a few more questions and just finished one just before the bell rang. Lisa was in a small room with a big clock counting down as she did the questions. Lisa was doing her questions on a touch table, the table had a screen fitted in it and all you had to do was tap the answer you think it was, it was quite handy due to the fact that everyone is timed in this quiz. As Lisa and Kii went out of the Puzzle Palace they received rox.

'That was easy Kii! You should of seen the questions!' Said Lisa in a happy tone, she got her first letter from her mother and brother just recently. What they put in it made her smile.

Moshi Monster Songs

People's Moshi monsters had to wait outside the small room as they may try and cheat using there Moshi monster. It was just the rules. Kii happily agreed he was in a good mood as well, the money would be able to buy him so much Katsuma Crunch! They started walking home, it took them about more than ten minutes to get back. When they finally got back (since it was a nice day they just walked slowly bringing it all in) Lisa spotted their mailbox opened slightly. It looked like there was letters inside.

The two figures watched the girl open the mailbox and take out the letters. The figures grinned.

Lisa's back suddenly felt chilled, she felt like she was being watched, she looked down at Kii with a smile. 'Wow look Kitty! It might be the Moshi member card inside!'

Kii looked up confused, Lisa laughed. Kii then made a noise sounded like 'Lisa'. Lisa looked down at him.

'Lisa? Do you still not know my name? It's Peggy! P-e-g-g-y! Peggy right Kitty!?' Lisa tried looking at Kii, trying to make him understand what she was doing. Kii still couldn't understand what she was on about, he tried talking to her, asking if she was alright. But Lisa shushed him and they went inside. Lisa still felt she was still being watched, what a bother. No one came here, Lisa was able to get a house on it's own, but normally you have to live in a house close to another. The city made the houses in a kind of american design, so each house was next to another. It was alright depending who you lived next to. But Lisa's house was way in the the forest then some people might get lost finding it. That's what Lisa wanted a house where no one could watch her like they did at home.

The two figures laughed, one was smaller then the other. These two figures were trying to have fun, they found the fun they wanted. The taller figure watched the house, the taller one was happy he followed this 'Peggy' and 'Kitty' man what stupid names! Did her parents really hated her that much? Then she had to make a embarrassing name for her pet Moshi too, she didn't want to feel like she was the only one getting bullied. They both high-five and grinned evilly...this was going to be fun!

Yay! You all have been patient This is your reward! I was going to make this longer but decided against it. But hey I hope you enjoyed it and please keep reviewing so you get to see what happened with these two unknown figures eh?